
We’re excited to announce that we’ve adopted a new registration system called Sawyer to streamline our sign-up process. This user-friendly platform offers a seamless experience, ensuring your registration is quick and hassle-free. To complete your registration, you’ll be conveniently redirected to Sawyer’s website, where you can easily finish the process. Welcome to a simpler way to register for camp!

Please contact the camp director if you need a scholarship code or staff coupon code.

If you are paying with cash/check at check-in, use the coupon code: “cash”

Keep it Spiritual! Make it Fun!

Camper Mail (During Sessions Only)

Recipient’s Name
c/o Camp Lu-Jo KISMIF
178498 N 2520 Rd
Faxon, OK 73540

Other Mail

Please send ALL camper applications, donations, and general mail to:

P.O. Box 2232
Lawton, OK 73502

Email Address

Phone Number

(580) 353-8370  (During Camp Sessions Only)


Camp LuJo - Kismif